With my commute being relatively short, I try to get home in time when I can to catch the Ellen DeGeneres show for some LOL time. I'm cracking myself up watching her latest invention.. the Ellen DeGeneres soup spoon. It's just what you need if you are ever sick of moving your spoon up and down when having soup, here comes your rescue, the turning spoon...Ha..Ha.. HA!

She also happened to talk about fashion today and I 100% wholeheartedly agree with her fashion motto: "Wear what makes you happy!". Simple, but so true. I've worn this dress quite a few times on or off this blog and I definitely feel happy every single time having it on. One thing I'm not quite satisfied with myself though, is that I always end up styling it the same exact way...happy, but boring? Ehhh. How would you wear it differently?
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