It has gone from this last week... beautiful blue sky for the past two days

Notice the Target truck? That's right weather pal, you are right on target, well, minus the huge cloud part. Since my summer includes bright sundresses as well as my reliable bottle of Advil, I sure put them out for good use in the past couple of days.
Coral is definitely one of my most favorite colors. That goes back to my belief that I don't have the most favorite color, I just happen to like them all.

When I bought this below dress from H&M 5 years ago, I never thought I still love it as much years later. What can I say? Love(s) at first sight(s)... It does happen to me on multiple of occasions. Again, nothing is wrong with that right?

I walked about 2 miles in these Jeffrey Campbell sandal today. That's rare because I normally don't walk that much, let alone in heels but these are super comfortable and I love to wear them with all my dress. And the bag, I went through my friend's rejected clothing pile last weekend and rescue it because I'm a hoarder at heart.

Hope your week is coming along and have something brilliant planned for the weekend!
Oh that coral dress looks amazing on you!! Hope you're loving your new lipstick, by the way! I had so much fun on our little outing. Man, are we having some nice weather lately. :)
Oh yes, blogger was giving me that same problem but only on my work computer. It's very frusterating, and I have to comment on certain blogs at home, insead of on my lunch break. :(
SF weather is so crazy unpredictable - it has been great the last few days, I agree. You look beautiful in coral (and in all bright colors!)
Wouldn't it be nice if paychecks came everyday?
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